
Chuan Yu Electronics

創新為本 品質第一 客戶至上 誠信待人

How can we help you?

ChuanYu provides design assistance and support for electronic products. We will try our best to solve customer needs for products and ensure good quality.


We provide design services for electronic circuits, systems or devices for specific functions or applications.


Start by thoroughly understanding the requirements of the electronic device or system you need. This includes functionality, performance specifications, power requirements, size limitations and any regulatory or safety standards that must be met.

Help & Support

If you have any questions, need help with a specific topic, or need support, please feel free to ask and I will do my best to provide you with the information or assistance you need.


Several Related Products.

OBD Diagnostic
Linux/Android IPC
Touch LCD

Our Customers

under test

"Amazing Designs and Quality Work!"

High-quality design can have a significant impact on all aspects of business and creativity. Whether it is product design or other fields, good design can attract attention, effectively convey information, and enhance user experience.

Alex Chen
CTO, Chuan yu Inc.

Would you like to start a project with us?

If you have a project or specific questions related to it, please feel free to share more details or ask any questions you may have and I will try to help you.